BoR - 0002S - PreAward Risk Assessment (Sub)

Project Information

Sub Recipient Information

Risk Assessment Queries

2. Are any of the subrecipients new?
3. Do the subrecipients have experience managing federal funds?
4. Would the subrecipients’ financial management system utilized be able to identify receipts and expenditures of program funds separately for each award?
6. Do the subrecipients have organizational travel policies, procedures and a documented reimbursement process? YES requires attaching the pertinent policy/procedure documents (see ATTACHMENTS section)
13. Does the Subrecipient's organization have and enforce policies and guidelines on conflict of interest? YES requires attaching the pertinent policy/procedure documents (see ATTACHMENTS section)
14. Does the Subrecipient’s organization have oversight responsibility for managing conflict of interest activities in your departments or units?
15.Do the Subrecipients have an established process to address computer security breaches? YES requires attaching the pertinent policy/procedure documents (see ATTACHMENTS section)

RPF Assessment Attachments

  1. Attach a budget for this proposal.  Please separate budget figures per year of RFP duration.

  2. Attach most recent audit report.

  3. Attach an A-133 audit form if your organization has expended more than $750,000 in federal grants for a year.

  4. Attach all pertinent policies and procedures.  NOTE: on queries #6, #13, and #15 an answer of Yes requires attaching the pertinent policy/procedure documents.

  5. Attach a single PDF file with an explanation for an answer of OTHER for query #1.

The foregoing information and any attachments thereto are true, accurate and consistent with the records maintained by the individual, government agency, partnership, university, research center or corporation submitting this PREAWARD RISK ASSESSMENT (2 CFR 200).

I acknowledge that the New Jersey Department of Transportation is relying on the information contained herein and I am aware that any false statement or misrepresentation may subject me and/or my agency to debarment, criminal penalties and disclosure to OMB as per 2 CFR 200.113.

Assessment Scoring

Total Assessment Score:

1. Project potential For implementation:
    Score: 0

2. Are any of the recipients new?

3. Do the recipients have experience managing federal funds?

4. Would the recipients’ financial management system utilized be able to identify receipts and expenditures of program funds separately for each award?

5. At what frequency will the recipient submit invoices?

6. Do the recipients have organizational travel policies, procedures and a documented reimbursement process?

7. Recipients Stated Activity of Award Experience:

8. Organization Experience of Recipients:

9. Organization Staffing Occupancy Level:

10. Recipient's Staffing Capability Level:

11. Recipients and/or Organizations Accrediting, Licensing or Eligibility Certification:

12. Recipient’s Equipment / Facility Adequacy:

13. Does the Recipient's organization have and enforce policies and guidelines on conflict of interest?

14. Does the Recipient’s organization have oversight responsibility for managing conflict of interest activities in your departments or units?

15.Do the Recipients have an established process to address computer security breaches?

Risk Assessment Scores